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Utilising Personal Trainers When at The Gym

By: Mike Kiely BA (hons) - Updated: 28 Mar 2013 | comments*Discuss
   trainer Relationship Communication

Not everyone wants to follow a class-based curriculum; rather they want to remain single minded both in their approach to fitness and their schedule. This is where the services of a personal trainer, either on a freelance basis or through an established gym, can be very valuable.

Not only will you be able to receive one-on one attention in terms of your current regime, but the trainer will be able to map out how best you can develop during the course of the following few months. They’ll also be able to identify problems both in terms of technique, and when you are trying to do too much too soon.

Like the start of any relationship, the one with your trainer is going to be a little awkward. You may be ashamed of how unfit you are and afraid that you are going to be the butt of all the jokes in the trainers’ chill-out room. But why be so negative? Everyone has to start somewhere, and the very fact that you are seeking advice is an admission that you don’t know it all.

Help and Advice

A good trainer will quickly put your mind at rest as to any feelings of inadequacy, as all good teachers should. They are there to offer you help and advice, and while the initial stages will be played out as a master or mistress/pupil relationship, this should quickly thaw into one in which communication becomes easy and two-way. This is an essential development, otherwise the trainer’s ideas will not be absorbed as quickly as they should. Never be embarrassed about asking them to explain something one more time. Equally, you’ve got to tell them when you are uncomfortable with a particular machine or routine, or when you are feeling a twinge or real pain. The latter is vital because only you know what your body is experiencing, and you’ve got to let the trainer know instantly if you are experiencing discomfort which could indicate either injury or the risk of injury.

Keep assessing your personal progress and the relationship with the trainer, and don’t be shy about finding a new one or asking the gym to assign another individual if you feel things are just not working out. This is obviously not the ideal scenario, but be single minded in your pursuit of better fitness, and if that means making a change in order to further your development, then go for it. There’s no time to waste.

Work Commitments

In terms of schedules, ensure that you routine fits in with your family and work commitments. There is nothing worse than bad planning simply because it is bound to result in you missing workout time. It may also eat away at your will to succeed because you are too tired or stressed out to even think about fulfilling a session with the trainer or at the gym.

Similarly, work colleagues or your partner may begin to resent the periods that you are devoting to your exercise routine. It is best to build time into your working week, for example in the morning or during your lunch-hour, while for the weekends ensure that the gym you have chosen has a range of activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family - that way, no-one feels neglected. This approach will mean you feel more positive, more energised and, therefore, more dedicated to the fitness goals that you have set yourself.

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